The Regional Conservation Partnership (RCP) Network Gathering is a free, annual, one-day conference designed to bring together people advancing collaborative landscape conservation in the Northeastern U.S. and beyond.
The RCP Network Gathering provides a dedicated opportunity for people working on collaborative landscape conservation to benefit from the insights of their peers, technical training workshops, and expert and inspirational panels. The Gathering is a place to connect with colleagues, share successes and challenges, and learn new skills. This event helps RCPs individually and collectively continue to grow in strength and numbers, helps people and groups from different sectors learn about each other, and helps everyone together advance the pace and practice of conservation for all the communities in our region.
Highstead, the host partner of the RCP Network, coordinates the event with guidance from a network of peers. We acknowledge that this event has yet to fully reflect the diversity of people and interests that need to be involved in these discussions. We commit to continue building reciprocal relationships with Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) to elevate areas of shared interest toward a more sustainable future for all.
Read about the 2024 RCP Network Gathering here and past year’s Gatherings below.