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In the Harvard Forest Schoolyard Ecology Program, K-12 teachers and students collect ecological field data on trees, climate change, and forests within walking distance of their schools. Always accepting new schools, the program centers on (free) scientist-led teacher workshops that build skills in hands-on STEM fieldwork, data analysis, and local, real-world conservation problem-solving.
Initiative: Education
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In support of efforts to inspire the next generation of conservationists, WWF&C partners are committed to offering hands-on learning opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate learners with an interest in conservation, ecology, forestry, and related fields. Visit the Conservation Job Board to explore internship opportunities.
Initiative: Education
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A Wildlands, Woodlands, Farmlands & Communities initiative that studies the long-term changes in forest ecosystems in New England with a focus on quantifying how changes in land use — including timber harvest, land conversion, and conservation — affect the benefits that landscapes provide now and in the future.
Initiative: Research
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W&W Stewardship Science is a forest monitoring program designed for the landowner of New England through a step-by-step approach used to track changes in their woods over time. This program connects people throughout the region through a “citizen-science” forest monitoring program effort to help understand New England’s changing forests.
Initiative: Research
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A report including a collection of data on public conservation funding at the federal, state, and local levels for all New England states. It is a reference for conservationists working in New England and a foundation for conversations about current and future avenues for increased conservation funding in the region.
Initiative: Funding
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The Staying Connected Initiative (SCI) seeks to conserve, restore, and enhance landscape connectivity across the Northern Appalachian/Acadian region of the U.S. and Canada for the benefit of nature and people. Sustaining connectivity safeguards native wildlife and plants from the impacts of habitat fragmentation and climate change, and supports human activities and values that are tied to the forested landscape.
RCP Coordinator(s): Mikael Cejtin
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The Taylor Valley Conservation Project works to preserve the working forest and farmland in the region of Vershire, Chelsea, Tunbridge, and Strafford towns, which have significantly less development and more ecological richness than most of the surrounding land.
RCP Coordinator(s): Ben Machin
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Southern Maryland Conservation Alliance's mission is to conserve and restore Southern Maryland’s landscapes, waterways and shorelines that are special to its people, fundamental to its economy, reflected in its culture, and vital for its native fish, wildlife and plants, on which we rely.
RCP Coordinator(s): Alyssa Matanin
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The Thames River Basin Partnership, located in Connecticut and Massachusetts, protects 1)the region's agricultural and natural areas being threatened by land use changes, 2)ground and surface water quantity and quality being threatened and degraded by contamination, 3)the region's biodiversity, and works to improve the coastal zone resource conditions.
RCP Coordinator(s): Lois Bruinooge, Jean Pillo
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