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Highstead and the Conservation Finance Network have announced the second annual five-part Conservation Finance Learning Lab. The free webinars are available to registrants and take place on the second Tuesday of each month, from December 2022 through April 2023. The webinar series will feature panel discussions, case studies, and networking opportunities for participants to take a deep dive into tangible, innovative approaches to conservation funding and financing.
Author(s): Jackie Rigley
Initiative: Funding
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program has awarded $30 million to the New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) and its partners to help forest landowners implement climate-smart forest practices that also protect ecosystem health and biodiversity.
Initiative: Funding
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The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes more than $15 billion in specific funding for Tribal Governments and Entities. Programs funded by the law span several sectors, including transportation, water, resilience, energy, environment, and broadband.
Initiative: Funding
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The WWF&C Conservation Finance team works through the Conservation Finance Network to connect with a growing community of conservation finance practitioners in the United States and around the world, sharing innovative finance mechanisms for funding land protection and applying them in ways that will conserve more land, more effectively.
Initiative: Funding
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The New England Conservation Finance Roundtables bring together regional and national thinkers representing NGOs, foundations, investment advisors, state and federal agencies, universities, and landowners to explore new strategies to confront a troubling upward trend in forest and farmland conversion to development coupled with slowing rates of land protection.
Initiative: Funding
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A report including a collection of data on public conservation funding at the federal, state, and local levels for all New England states. It is a reference for conservationists working in New England and a foundation for conversations about current and future avenues for increased conservation funding in the region.
Initiative: Funding
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The Conservation Economics initiative helps to communicate the economic value of land conservation and refute claims of negative impacts, to facilitate new funding streams for land conservation. This initiative aims to grow the pool of available funding for land conservation by obtaining the support of non-traditional conservation partners.
Initiative: Funding