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Howland Research Forest in Maine has one of the longest, continuous records of atmospheric carbon and of the role forests play in the fight against climate change.
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Meet 8 LGBTQ+ organizations leading the way for a more just and whole environmental movement in and for their communities and beyond.
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The Shutesville Hill Wildlife Corridor Partnership works to protect and enhance the ecological function and habitat connectivity of the Shutesville Hill Wildlife Corridor, a critical link between Vermont’s Mt. Mansfield Forest Block and Worcester Range, to ensure the permeability of this corridor for all organisms into the future, and to maintain and enhance the associated benefits to people who live in or visit the region.
RCP Coordinator(s): Bob Heiser
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The Staying Connected Initiative (SCI) seeks to conserve, restore, and enhance landscape connectivity across the Northern Appalachian/Acadian region of the U.S. and Canada for the benefit of nature and people. Sustaining connectivity safeguards native wildlife and plants from the impacts of habitat fragmentation and climate change, and supports human activities and values that are tied to the forested landscape.
RCP Coordinator(s): Mikael Cejtin
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The Taylor Valley Conservation Project works to preserve the working forest and farmland in the region of Vershire, Chelsea, Tunbridge, and Strafford towns, which have significantly less development and more ecological richness than most of the surrounding land.
RCP Coordinator(s): Ben Machin
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The Orange County Headwaters Project in Vermont works to provide information, assistance, and leverage to landowners who are interested in conserving their land, supports sustainable forestry, watershed protection, and other conservation goals, encourages civic engagement, and demonstrates the benefits of working collaboratively to accomplish landscape-level conservation
RCP Coordinator(s): Ben Machin
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The Mid-Champlain Valley RCP is working to support the communities of the Mid-Champlain Valley in Vermont to preserve, restore and enhance natural systems through sustainable stewardship. Their goal is to provide educational opportunities, hands-on engagement/involvement, collaboration and support for those who are interested in stewarding the landscape, and learning about the region.
RCP Coordinator(s): Laura Farell
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The Berkshire Wildlife Linkage Partnership works to protect and conserve the forested habitat corridor of the Berkshire and Taconic Highlands of Western Massachusetts, which links the Green Mountains in Vermont to the Hudson Highlands in New York and beyond.
RCP Coordinator(s): Laura Marx
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The Berkshire-Taconic Regional Conservation Partnership envisions a region in which the fabric of the natural and scenic landscape, including the region’s forests, farms, rivers, and wetlands, remains intact and functional, supporting and interdependent with local and regional economies and high quality of life. The organization spans the Taconic Mountain region through Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts and Vermont.
RCP Coordinator(s): Beth Mills
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