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The Staying Connected Initiative (SCI) seeks to conserve, restore, and enhance landscape connectivity across the Northern Appalachian/Acadian region of the U.S. and Canada for the benefit of nature and people. Sustaining connectivity safeguards native wildlife and plants from the impacts of habitat fragmentation and climate change, and supports human activities and values that are tied to the forested landscape.
RCP Coordinator(s): Mikael Cejtin
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The Thames River Basin Partnership, located in Connecticut and Massachusetts, protects 1)the region's agricultural and natural areas being threatened by land use changes, 2)ground and surface water quantity and quality being threatened and degraded by contamination, 3)the region's biodiversity, and works to improve the coastal zone resource conditions.
RCP Coordinator(s): Lois Bruinooge, Jean Pillo
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The Metrowest Conservation Alliance (MCA) is a partnership of organizations that work collaboratively on land management (stewardship) and land protection to achieve regional conservation success. They promote sustainable forestry and agriculture, biodiversity protection, and local economies, and recognize the need to integrate people with the environment through education, extension, and outreach in order to achieve conservation goals.
RCP Coordinator(s): Kristen O'Brien
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The Newfound Land Conservation Partnership promotes the conservation of forest lands, grasslands, wildlife habitats, water resources, and the rural way of life in the Newfound Lake, New Hampshire region, by working with landowners and educating communities about the benefits of land conservation
RCP Coordinator(s): Parker Griffin
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The Lower Connecticut River Land Trust works to conserve, study, steward, and promote the unique values and scientific significance, natural and working lands, and historic, ecologic, cultural, and scenic resources of the communities of the lower Connecticut River Valley Region.
RCP Coordinator(s): Margot Burns
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The Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership is a collaboration of conservation organizations in the coastal region of Maine and New Hampshire that promotes landscape-scale land conservation and stewardship
RCP Coordinator(s): Dea Brickner-Wood
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The High Peaks Initiative is a collaborative of local, regional, and national organizations working in Maine’s High Peaks region with a mission to protect important natural resources, secure public access, and support healthy human and natural communities in Maine’s High Peaks
RCP Coordinator(s): Simon Rucker, Nancy Perlson
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The H2H partner network advances the pace and practice of regional land protection and stewardship from the Hudson River in New York to the Housatonic River in Connecticut by collaborating across boundaries to enhance the connection between people and nature.
RCP Coordinator(s): Katie Blake
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