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The mission of the Chittenden County Uplands Conservation Project is to conserve the ecological integrity and rural character and working landscape of the eastern uplands of Chittenden County, Vermont, an intact landscape of alpine, montane foothill, and valley habitats within a rich assemblage of landforms
RCP Coordinator(s): Bob Heiser
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Cold Hollow to Canada's mission is to maintain ecosystem integrity, biological diversity, and forest resiliency throughout the Cold Hollow, Vermont, to Canada region, with a focus on community-led stewardship and the conservation of our working landscape in the face of a changing climate.
RCP Coordinator(s): Charlie Hancock
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Downeast Conservation Network works in Maine's Washington and Hancock Counties to promote the mutual well-being of human and natural communities; making connections between conservation, research, education, and individuals. They identify areas of research important to the region’s climate resilience, biodiversity, and economic well-being, and provide research resources to better understand the region
RCP Coordinator(s): Erin Witham
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