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Newhallville is a one-square-mile residential New Haven neighborhood that is home to 7,000 residents and has no library, no grocery stores, no community center, and no medical services. Though it is separated from Yale University by just one street and sits next to the popular Farmington Canal trail, until a few years ago, the neighborhood had no park and not one place to sit outdoors. A lot has changed through the leadership and partnership of Doreen Akubakar, Founder and Director of CPEN (Community Place-making Engagement Network).
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The Hudson Highlands Land Trust (HHLT) is dedicated to addressing the historic disparities in conservation work by committing to inclusive community outreach and events, diverse hiring practices, safe and equitable access to nature, clean water for all our communities, and amplifying stories from communities of color. They have taken steps to act on this commitment through their Relearning Highlands History series and related initiatives.
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Aspetuck Land Trust (ALT) has been working to achieve a vision of a greener, more sustainable world by connecting thousands of acres of land in Southern Connecticut through their Green Corridor Initiative. Through recent land acquisitions and a curated method for success, ALT has been moving step-by-step towards its goal of a 40,000-acre Green Corridor that safeguards land, wildlife, and water resources, and lessens the climate crisis.
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The South Central Regional Land Conservation Alliance mission is to promote the protection and conservation of open space in south central Connecticut by collaborating across boundaries to foster a stronger connection between people and nature
RCP Coordinator(s): John Triana, Bob Pattison, David Sargent
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The Southern New England Heritage Forest Partnership was formed to bring additional funding to the 1.49 million-acre unfragmented forest corridor stretching along the Connecticut and Rhode Island border to the Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts, as the SNEHF has 76% forest cover and offers one of the last viable wildlife corridors from southern to northern New England.
RCP Coordinator(s): Lois Bruinooge, Christopher Riely
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The Thames River Basin Partnership, located in Connecticut and Massachusetts, protects 1)the region's agricultural and natural areas being threatened by land use changes, 2)ground and surface water quantity and quality being threatened and degraded by contamination, 3)the region's biodiversity, and works to improve the coastal zone resource conditions.
RCP Coordinator(s): Lois Bruinooge, Jean Pillo
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The Sandy Brook Conservation Corridor (SBCC) encompasses an area of 25,000 acres representing the Sandy Brook watershed in Massachusetts and Connecticut and works to encourage ecologically sound land management and the preservation of small and large land parcels, which would otherwise be at risk of development or degradation
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The Lower Connecticut River Land Trust works to conserve, study, steward, and promote the unique values and scientific significance, natural and working lands, and historic, ecologic, cultural, and scenic resources of the communities of the lower Connecticut River Valley Region.
RCP Coordinator(s): Margot Burns
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The Mass-Conn Sustainable Forest Partnership works to connect individuals and organizations with appropriate resources and develops new, collaborative solutions to advance forest conservation at the regional scale within Massachusetts and Connecticut.
RCP Coordinator(s): Ed Hood
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