Sunshine through tree branches

In many Zoom meetings I’ve been attending, when there is a check-in, people talk about how they’re dealing with the pandemic, with social distancing, and trying to balance their work and family life under these extraordinary circumstances. In these sharings, I hear concerns for others, uncertainty, and anxiousness punctuated by gratitude, strength, hope, innovation, and resilience.  

According to resilience researcher Lucy Hone, resilient people have three strategies that help them get through tough times. 

Resilient people:

  • Know that suffering happens and that it’s part of every human existence.
  • Are good at choosing, carefully, where they place their attention – on the things they can control. Resilient people tune into the good and don’t lose what they have to what they’ve already lost.
  • Ask themselves, is what I am doing helping me or harming me?

I wonder if these strategies also apply to regions, communities, and networks? 

What does resilience mean to you? What does a resilient community look like? A resilient region? 

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, or write a blog in response.