Wildlands, Woodlands, Farmlands & Communities is a vision for the future of the New England landscape that calls on diverse partners to advance land protection and nature conservation as a critical means of improving the health and well-being of nature and the people who depend on it.
The vision is ambitious: Wildlands, Woodlands, Farmlands and Communities calls for permanently protecting 80% percent of New England in a mixture of natural wildlands (at minimum 10%), productively-managed woodlands (60%), farmland (7%), and other (up to 3%). See the Dashboard for a breakdown of targets by decade for the region and each of the states it comprises.
The vision provides each of us, and New England as a region, an opportunity to lead in addressing the global crises of climate, biodiversity, and inequity by sustaining the natural infrastructure that supports all life on earth. To succeed, we must work across New England: from cities to countryside, and from forests and farms to every community, to permanently protect undeveloped land. Learn how the vision has evolved since 2010.
Protecting Land Protects Nature and People
New England’s mosaic of forests, farms, and waters, interwoven with diverse communities can support and enrich the life of every New Englander and provide the capacity for people and nature to adapt to future environmental change.
That goal remains achievable, but we must ensure that its benefits accrue to all New Englanders.
To secure a healthy environment, accessible local food, and an abundance of nature for critical resources— safe water, wood, clean air, not to mention recreation and inspiration — we must double our pace and commitment to conservation. We must join, lead, and exceed the national commitment to 30 by 30, or conserving 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030.
Why New England?
New England leads the world in conservation capacity, innovation, and collaboration and has more than doubled its conserved land over the past 30 years. The critical goal can be achieved through willing private landowners seeking to secure the future of their land, supported by municipal, state and federal commitments, working with public and private partnerships of conservation, community, economic, health, and environmental interests in actions that bring states together in regional collaborations.
Our Commitment
At the same time that we protect land, we must also advance the sustainable and equitable stewardship of that land to meet our social and environmental needs
Wildlands, Woodlands, Farmlands & Communities’ partners are committed working with individuals, organizations, and public entities advancing land conservation and its value to the climate, biodiversity, and social goals of the vision.
Pathways Forward
The WWF&C goals are achievable, but we must ensure that its benefits accrue to all New Englanders. Achieving these goals requires us to follow these seven critical pathways: